New to Church?
Sceptics Welcome
Belief can be hard, and it is worth acknowledging and wrestling with the questions, doubts and objections around the Christian faith. We welcome both believers and skeptics to process their doubts and beliefs with the recognition that it is not enough to believe something just because we were brought up that way. Whatever you think, we welcome you to visit us on Sundays, one of our other events, or to meet to discuss things more informally over a coffee.
When & Where does the Church Meet?
We meet every Sunday at 11am. Aim to arrive ten minutes early to help you find a parking spot and a seat in time for the service to start. The church is at:
2144 Great Western Road
G13 2AA
Find a map here
What should I expect when I visit the church?
You will receive a warm welcome from the team at the door, and they will be able to answer your questions and to show you where you need to go.
During the service we sing, have someone pray, hear the Bible read, and listen to a message that explains the Bible reading and which is about Jesus Christ.
After the service, you’ll be offered tea or coffee and there’ll be chance to chat and get to know everyone better.
What happens to the kids at church?
As part of the service, there is a short talk aimed at kids. Most Sundays, primary-age kids leave after this talk for Sunday school, and those who are younger for some supervised play and more child-friendly activities - talk to the welcome team before the service and let us know.
The first time you attend, you will need to register them to ensure child safety. If you have any questions, please do get in touch and ask them!
Is there a dress code?
Certainly not! Please just be yourself and come in your ‘normal’ clothes!
Will I have to join in?
You are completely free to observe or to participate as much as you feel comfortable, and won’t be asked to pray. Don’t feel any pressure!
I have questions: how can I get in touch and ask them?
Please don’t hesitate to get in touch, or to visit our Facebook page!