About Us
We are a friendly, small (but growing) local church made up of people from different walks of life. We love to see new people, and so please know you are most welcome!
We are committed to our local community, and in normal times have groups meeting in the church buildings during the week.
Knighstwood is a congregation within the United Free Church of Scotland.
What we Believe
We believe in Jesus Christ as Saviour and as Lord, and that the good news about him is for everyone in the world.
The ‘Good news’, which we sometimes call the ‘gospel’, is what makes Christianity different: it’s not ‘good advice to be followed’, but ‘good news to be announced’. God himself has come to find and save us.
Even though we are lost and broken, and cannot find God or sort ourselves out, God has come into his own world to save us. He became a human being, Jesus, who lived an ordinary - but perfect - human life, and taught us about himself. He chose to die on the cross, to take the punishment due to us for our selfish and rebellious lives, so that we could be forgiven. Then, he rose from the dead, and by his indestructible life showed that death could not defeat him, and it cannot hold anyone who trusts their lives and souls to him.
So being a Christian is not just about going to church, or trying to live a good life. It doesn’t depend on our efforts at all, even on how strong our faith is. Christians don’t need to try to earn God’s approval. Instead, being a Christian is admitting that you can’t rescue yourself, and entrusting yourself to him to rescue you.
Because he accepts us despite all our flaws, knowing him makes us aware of his transforming love. Knowing him changes us from the inside out, so that we begin to do what is good, not to earn his approval, but from gratitude and joy.
As Christians we are called to serve our neighbours and our world, just as Jesus did, giving himself sacrificially for those around him.
For more details of what we believe, see our Statement of Faith
Where do I go from here?
Perhaps you don’t believe this - or perhaps you aren’t sure. Whatever your position right now, you are welcome to join us and to learn more of the Christian message. We believe there is strong evidence that these things are real and true, so we’d love to explore that with you, looking into the firsthand accounts of Jesus’ life and seeing why we think news about him is good news like no other news you’ll ever hear.